Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life with FOUR Children

This was one hour of pure torture, taking family pics with all the kids. McKinzie was a ball of energy running all over the place:) They actually had to take heads from other pics to make one good picture of all the kids. Oh how I hate taking pictures!!!!!!!!!!! There are just some things(like going out to eat with a toddler) that you just dont do at this stage. Thank goodness for grandparents so we are able to get out on dates. We went to Illinois for the day to visit gregs family. We had a great time and the kids just love playing with their cousins. We returned home to have dinner with my family and then christmas with my grandparents, aunts, and uncles from NW Iowa. It was so nice to see everyone, and catch up with everyones busy lives. Life with four children is actually wonderful. We are just loving Hudson so much. I think we are enjoying the newborn stage so much more this time since we know this will be the last baby Lybeck. We are just enjoying the craziness right now, and trying to soak it all in knowing it will pass by so fast.


Carrie Sterner said...

That is a fun picture. Love Kinzer's facial expression. We would have to do that with 10 kids 7 yrs and under so I feel your pain. :)

Andrea G. said...

This is absolutely WONDERFUL! I LOVE it!!! Thank goodness for photoghers who can crop and add heads, grandmas who pick out cute outfits, and at least one big girl who can hold Hudson! :) You never know... it might not be the last baby Lybeck :)

Shadley said...

love the pic! glad to hear you are adjusting well!